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HelMod Online calculator (version 4.0.1) website currently supported within the space radiation environment activities of ASIF (ASI - Italian Space Agency -Supported Irradiation Facilities) [year,month]:
P Bobik, G Boella, M J Boschini, C Consolandi, S Della Torre, M Gervasi, D Grandi, K Kudela, S Pensotti, P G Rancoita and M Tacconi. Systematic Investigation of Solar Modulation of Galactic Protons for Solar Cycle 23 Using a Monte Carlo Approach with Particle Drift Effects and Latitudinal Dependence. Astrophys. J. 745:132, 2012, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/132.
P Bobik, M J Boschini, S Della Torre, M Gervasi, D Grandi, G La Vacca, S Pensotti, M Putis, P G Rancoita, D Rozza, M Tacconi and M Zannoni, On the forward-backward-in-time approach for Monte Carlo solution of Parker's transport equation: One-dimensional case. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 121(5):3920–3930, 2016. doi:10.1002/2015JA022237.
M J Boschini, S Della Torre, M Gervasi, G La Vacca and P G Rancoita. Propagation of Cosmic Rays in Heliosphere: the HelMod Model. Adv. Space Res., Volume 62, Issue 10, Pages 2859-2879, 2018, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2017.04.017 ArXiv:1704.03733.
M J Boschini, S Della Torre, M Gervasi, G La Vacca and P G Rancoita. The HelMod Model in the Works for Inner and Outer Heliosphere: from AMS to Voyager Probes Observations. Adv. Space Res. 64(12):2459 - 2476, 2019, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2019.04.007 ArXiv:1903.07501.
M J Boschini, Della S Torre, M Gervasi, La G Vacca and P G Rancoita. Forecasting of cosmic rays intensities with HelMod Model. Advances in Space Research in press, Available online 1 February 2022():, 2022.doi 10.1016/j.asr.2022.01.031 - Preprint.
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